By the time I had started chemo in June, my Aunt had gotten a little oran

This wonderful little fluff ball stole my heart. In the wee hours of the night, in the quiet darkness of my room, I offered a tear filled prayer of gratitude for my little kitten. She did exactly as I had envisioned during all those months of recovery. She slept upon my shoulder next to my chin. She was totally dependent on me and that helped me to care about living. As she cuddled close to me she gave me strength to make it through those horrid months of chemo.
As the months went by and she grew in size, she inched her way down from my shoulder onto my lap. I couldn't sleep on my sides at that time and had to lie in bed on my back, propped up on pillows, my legs supported by pillows as well. To Gretchen this was the perfect lap position and as soon as I lay down, she was there, in my lap. Today I can sleep on my sides again, and Gretchen has moved to a new position across my waist at my elbow. At eleven each night she declares it time for me to be in bed and follows me about mewing until I get the covers just so then she takes her place. Sometimes in the night I have to change positions, so she patiently waits for me to get comfortable then resumes her place on my other side. She is heavier now, much heavier, and sometimes the weight of her is a bit uncomfortable, but I am comforted that s
he is there and dare not complain. For this is the cat I prayed for. I was very specific in my prayers and I got a very specific kind of cat.
Next Tuesday will be May 1st. That is Gretchen's birthday. She will be three years old. I also mark my cancer survival with her arrival. Life is full of miracles, and it's okay to be specific with what kind of miracle you want.

Next Tuesday will be May 1st. That is Gretchen's birthday. She will be three years old. I also mark my cancer survival with her arrival. Life is full of miracles, and it's okay to be specific with what kind of miracle you want.
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