I'm so new to blogging, finding others to tag may prove difficult, but I can sure come up with seven things about Gretchen. Myself? I'm not sure.
Gattina says these are the rules: each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and ask them to read your blog!
Seven Random Things About Myself?
1. I fell flat on my face gardening yesterday.
2. My glasses are broken.
3. I have a swollen face, long gash on the cheek below the eye.
4. A big lip from where my teeth went through the my upper lip.
5. My right shoulder is bruised.
6. I hurt all over.
7. I'm okay.
Seven Things About Gretchen:
1. Gretchen has five favorite sleeping places. My bed, made or unmade, the back of the sofa on a small purple and green quilt, a cat bed in the computer room with a red plaid fleece blanket, a bed in the dinning room with a pillow and stuffed kitties, and sometimes any pile of folded laundry or ironing. Whatever room I'm in when she's ready for a nap, determines the bed she uses.

2. Gretchen has two feeding stations. One on the dining room table, with her own placemat, bowl of water and bowl of dry Purina Cat Chow Indoor Formula. And where she also receives a teaspoon, at least twice a day, of Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys, White Meat Chicken and Whipped Egg Soufflé with Garden Greens in the morning and Fancy Feast Medleys White Meat Chicken Florentine in a Delicate Sauce with Garden Greens for dinner. At her second feed station, in the computer room on a red plaid piece of fleece, on a little wooden serving table, Gretchen enjoys Fancy Feast Gourmet Gold-Ocean Fish and Salmon and Whiskas Savory Salmon Temptations Treats for Cats in two little piles, no plate. If either pile is gone she will mew insistently, until I figure out what she actually wants. I've learned only just recently that when she's standing in the hallway and mewing like that, to immediately check her computer room food supply. Satisfied that both piles have been replenished to her satisfaction, she'll have a bite or two then leave. These are the only things she will eat. I've tried a lot of products that she's turned her nose up at or tried to bury.

3. Her favorite water bowl is the toilet. She has a perfectly good water bowl, which is filled with fresh water daily, sometimes more often, on the dinning room table. Which I've actually seen her use, but then I figured out that the door to the bathroom was closed or the toilet seat was down at the moment she wanted a drink.

4. As you've figured by now, Gretchen, who is of questionable breeding, is very sophisticated and prefers to be treated like royalty. She'd rather not take the time to write this herself, why should she, she has me to do it for her. I've gone to great lengths to find the brand and flavor of food that she likes, the most interesting types of toys. I've been through all the usual, string, feathers, mice, balls with bells… Her favorite pastime is flopping on the floor in front of you expecting a tummy rub that very instant.

5. Since Gretchen is a lady now, she has changed her play habits to suit her age and sophistication. When small, she played endlessly with anything that moved. At one time she had about fifty little gray furry stuffed mice. They were hidden everywhere and would show up anywhere. When all had been dispersed throughout the house, which means lost under the fridge, sofa, or dresser, she'd stand by the each piece of furniture and cry, and cry, and cry. It took some time to figure out what she wanted. Finally she had learned to look at me, cry, look down under the fridge—or other piece furniture that they might be hiding under, and cry. As soon as I took the flyswatter or the back scratcher and retrieved a dust-covered mouse, she'd pounce on it and carry it off. I did regular mice hunts myself. Once a week, when vacuuming, I'd locate all the mice and put them in a pile on the sofa. Now that she is a lady, Gretchen has a new game. Forget the mice. Now she loves pink plastic practice golf balls—the ones with the holes in them. So far she has two-dozen of them. And her game is new. Now we play, and notice the "we" part, "you throw-I watch-you pick 'em up-I cry-you throw again." When I get the ball basket she runs down the hall and crouches behind a corner ready to watch them roll by. Occasionally she pounces on one or two and chases them, but she'd rather watch me throw them and watch them roll by, one by one. Finally, when I'm tired of this game she plays by herself—especially at night.

6. Gretchen is an only cat. She loves to talk, however, and talks to the birds outside the window, the cats marking the fence—just passing through. Sometimes I think about getting her a playmate, a real live kitten-type, but we cannot just now. It cost three hundred dollars a piece to have a cat in these apartments, plus the fact that she is nearly defenseless in the front paws department. So, since the first of May, we've included Mike (black stuffed cat with really strange eyes) as a make-believe companion.

Okay, until I know more people in this group, everyone I know of has been tagged, I would tag my daughter, Paula, but she just got tagged and is planning on tagging me, so, I will have to pass on the tagging part unless someone else out there has any ideas.
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