I stopped by Home Goods to do a quick look over for some things I will need to purchase for the client I am currently working with. Of course, the turn over in Home Goods is quick, so by next week, everything could be totally different. I also stopped by because I haven’t been in awhile and I’ve been wanting one of those tiered baskets. Like this.
I’m going to Goodwill this weekend to drop some things off, so if I get lucky and see one there I will just return the Home Goods one. They had quite a few different ones at Home Goods, but I stuck with this one at $12.99. If I do wind up keeping it I may spray it Heirloom White.
In the stationary aisle I was really drawn to the different cocktail napkins. Weird. I know. But the patterns and colors are so pretty and I was thinking they could probably be used for different projects {besides coasters}. Here are some of the pretty packages I bought.
This one made me smile with the “It’s All About You Cupcake”. It made me think of Night at the Museum with Mickey Rooney and how he called everyone “lunchbox”.
Loved this one just for the Eiffel Tower and Paris look to it, but the colors and flowers give it that vintagey, aged look.
The colors in the handbags are really fun looking in these napkins!
The dessert one I love the colors of and, of course, I whole-heartedly agree with the saying.
Finally, I got this package with my initial and the pink and green harlequin pattern. One side of the package has a pink background to it
And the other side has a green background to it.
I read on someone’s blog {maybe a month ago} about a cocktail napkin swap, which would be so much fun with packages like these! Edit: Heather from Pixie Dust let me know that it was her blog I saw the swap mentioned on. Thanks, Heather! If anyone knows of one, let me know ~ I’d love to join in. Otherwise, I may just set one up myself toward the end of the Summer. Interested? Let me know.
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