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Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Where The Dollar Store And Goodwill Meet


I bought this wooden snowman container last year at Goodwill and decided to leave it as is.  I just cleaned it and packed it away.  This year I pulled it out to add to my decorations.  


But what to use it for?  It obviously needed to hold something, but what?


I decided to fill it with greens and made a trip to the dollar store, where I picked up 5 of these filler bouquets and a square of foam.


I just put the foam inside and added the filler, fluffing it out when I was done.


The filler and the foam totaled $6.00, the container was, I think about $1.00-2.00 at Goodwill.


Here it is back in it’s place on my hall tree tabletop.


With a very simple bow made from wire ribbon that I also picked up at the dollar store.  I attached it to one of the filler stems with some florist wire.


I didn’t glue anything in place, so if I decide to use it for something else next year, all I have to do is remove the bouquets and the foam.

This took about 5 minutes to put together and was under $10.00!   My favorite kind of project!

Linking up with:

All Things Merry & Bright at All Things Heart  & Home

Make It Yours Day at My Backyard Eden

Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous

Weekend Wrap Up at Tatertots and Jello

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