Last Saturday I posted a picture of a nearly all blue sky accept for one little wisp of cloud. I commented that "Our summer skies will mostly just be blue and featureless until the rains return in the fall."
Humph! I couldn't have been more wrong. Our little, first of the summer, heat wave ended on Tuesday, June 5th, with a powerful coldfront that swept in from the North Pacific ocean, bringing us heavy rain and hail.
Humph! I couldn't have been more wrong. Our little, first of the summer, heat wave ended on Tuesday, June 5th, with a powerful coldfront that swept in from the North Pacific ocean, bringing us heavy rain and hail.
Tuesday's sky, June 5, 2007 about 9:30 AM
Our weather has turned back to the winter/spring pattern bringing waves of Pacific storms, colder, sometimes windy and rainy weather. And of course, dull gray skies most of the time. There have been some beautiful cloud formations during the rain events this past week, and now I wished I had chronicled the days of the week with the camera.

Hailing on my little garden spot outside my apartment...
Today we weren't supposed to get rain until this evening. I woke up at four-thirty this morning and glanced up out into the twilight of morning. The moon was just above my widow, barely shrouded in a thin mist of fast moving clouds. I had the thought to run right out and take that picture but didn't. About half an hour later I got up to fix the Man's breakfast, and thought again of taking the moon shot in the early morning light. Well, I should always go with my first impressions, shouldn't I. When I looked out the window for the moon, thick gray clouds had covered it completely and it was raining. At about eleven-thirty the rain was momentarily reduced to light sprinkles so I went out to get my mail and look for interesing spots in the gray mass above to take a picture for todays post. So, now . . .
Will go
Eat some crow,
Have some tea with
Sugar and milk, with cookies,
Two Chocolate Chip, maybe three.
I'll spend the afternoon adding chapters
To Bubba and Bean's story of young love
I must not hold back their dreams, fate awaits,
Their story is in my hands, author of their plans.
I was trying my hand at a form of poety called Etheree. I was intrigued by Marilyn MonROEW's attempt at it. I don't quite know if I have the syllable count right.
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