Thirteen things I like to write about . . .
1. Cats: The cats that I've had over the years, and the one I have presently, have given, and contine to give me, a lifetime of tales to tell. I never realized how much I really loved and cared about these furry creatures until I started writing stories about them.
2. Faeries: My interests in the wee folk have been there since childhood. Only in old age it has taken on a new meaning. I have no hang-ups now, about talking to the faerie folk that live among my plants, in my little abode—after six-plus decades, I've earned the right to talk to them unabashedly.
3. Memories: My childhood has taken place in many parts of the country. After I was born, and mostly raised, in Texas, I became an Oklahoman, Alaskan, Texan again, Californian, Floridian, Georgian, Texan again, Hawaiian, Floridian again, Ohioan, Floridian again, Hawaiian again, Alaskan again, Floridian again, Georgian again, Californian again, Illinoisan, Californian again, Illinoisan again, Montanan, and finally, Oregonian. So there is no absence of writing material there. Plus, I've traveled and visited many other parts of the country and a tiny bit of Canada.
4. Wild animals: I love to be the voice for all kinds of animals that live in the woods and so forth. There is so much to learn from them and teach others by writing about them.
5. Heavenly Things: My faith has given me a perspective on who I am and where I came from and I use my imagination to fill in the rest.
6. Mystical: Magical beings and far away places intermingled with everyday people and everyday life.
7. History: My personal and family history.
8. The 50's: That pretty much tells you what decade I'm most familiar with.
9. Drama: Love and life never follow a perfect path.
10. Tragedy: But with a happy ending.
11. People: Six-plus decades living amongst people haven given me much to tell, however, there is still much to learn. Each day is a new chapter.
12. Mysteries: That's a challenge, mostly because the plots have to go just right and I'm still learning that skill.
13. Fiction: Fiction is the genre I love the best. Everything ends the way I want it to. To write fiction is to be a liar, as a writing instructor once told me. I knew all those little white lies I told as a child had to be good for something, someday.
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