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Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

I Triple {Ruffle} Dog Dare You!

The sewing continues with the other toweling fabric I had purchased recently.  It is natural in color with a rose colored stripe.  I bought 3 yards and I used 2 to make a table runner.  Doing 2 yards will allow me to use the table runner with one of my leaf pieces in the table.  I still have 1 yard left over and I’m not sure if I want to do more towels or do a pillow.


I bought this ruffle at Joann’s.  You can see it has a “channel” where the fabric can be inserted right into.  I did that for the first ruffle I sewed on. 


{Sorry, night shots ahead}.


I then decided I wanted to have some ruffley goodness going on, so I added a second layer on top of that.



Then, because I can’t leave well enough alone ~ I did a third ruffle!  I know, shut the front door, you can’t believe it!  Me neither, but look at the ruffley gorgeousness.


This took  me about a half hour to make.  This doesn’t include the washing and drying of the fabric.  When this fabric came out of the wash the ends were frayed, so you could even just use it like that.  As I had mentioned in my first post on this fabric, the sides are already hemmed for you.  It’s basically goof proof! 



Love it! 

Linking up with

Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous

Weekend Wrap Up at Tatertots and Jello

VIP Party at Designer Garden

Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps On The Porch

Make It Yours Day at My Backyard Eden


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