I had a floral arrangement in a large jug type vase in my entry hall that I took apart a couple of years ago. I kept everything, but just stored it for the time being. You can see it in the picture below. I sat it on the column to add height.
When I took it apart a couple of weeks ago, I took the florals and swished them around in a plastic bag filled with epsom salts {to knock off any dust}. I then found a pot that my daughter had given me and I had the foam to put inside it. I didn’t want a tall arrangement again, so I did quite a bit of clipping.
I put the hydrangeas all around the outside and used their leaves to hang over the rim a little bit. I then put the ranunculus and roses in the middle portion. I really love it and what makes me even happier is that I just reused what I already had.
I think this would take me right through the Summer months, too!
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