It took me until three a. m. this morning to finish the last quarter of the book, but at last I found out all I needed to know, and then some. I have no comment because I do not want to spoil it for anyone still reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I was satisfied that my theories were mostly right. The hype that preceded this book spoils it for everyone, indeed, therefore leaving one quite disappointed. I'm not disappointed with the story...just the hype; it gave me a false since of anticipation. The book was good. I've added it to the rest of the collection on my very dusty bookshelf. I'll read them all again...someday.

I do have one comment to make, after all. Not about the story itself...but about the language in it. I know we live in a coarse world where street language and rude behavior is now the norm. But I do believe that authors of children's books (that includes young adults) do not have to succumb to coarse language. I was disappointed in that fact alone. It was not necessary for the story, or the characters. It just was not! I felt I was reading about alltogether, different characters from the ones I had come to know and love throughout this series. That was a huge spoiler for me.
The End
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