Thirteen of my favorite things:
1. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens (the opening line from the Sound of Music-Favorite Things). I do love roses, raindrops and especially kittens.
2. Deep purple pansies. Their spice scent wafting in through open windows on a warm summers eve.
3. The windsong in the treetops; through hog wire fences; over fields of prairie grass.
4. The tinkling of windchines on a breezy day, or night.
5. Trees: Tall ones, scrubby ones on ocean cliffs, the smell of piney ones, giant magnolias, and large shady oak trees draped with graceful tendrils of Spanish moss.
6.Clouds: Large puffy ones, little wispy ones, monster thunderclouds, mist over a waterfall.
7. Birds. Small songbirds, humming birds…did you know they have a loud chirp? The Anna's that we have in the northwest do. Owls, parakeets, gold finches, Eastern blue jays, cardinals, robins, mocking birds and whippoorwills.
8. Snow flakes. The first snowfall of winter; being snowed in, snuggled up under blankets in front of a warm fire. Trouncing around in the snow after a heavy snowfall. Walks in snow covered woods.
9. The ocean. The beach. The sand. Waves crashing on breakers and cliffs in the Pacific North west. Waves crashing on beaches in the Pacific islands.
10. Mountains and waterfalls.
11. The smell of fresh cut grass. Or a freshly cut alfalfa field. The smell of earth in the early spring.
12. Rainbows and kisses.
13. The moon, planets and stars.
These are just a few of my favorite things.
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