Does anyone know the name of this moth?
Thirteen Things About Growing Up
1. I was born during WWII in the Texas Panhandle at an Army Hospital. My dad was six feet four inches. My mom, five-nine. I have a grandmother that was six-two, and an aunt who was six feet.
2. I was five-eleven and three-quarter inches by the end of sixth grade with a size eleven shoe. Try getting ballet shoes in that size.
3. I was a head taller in every class throughout my entire school experience. Tall, skinny and freckled—tomboy type. Had many nicknames—you'd probably call them labels in today's times. I did make it to six foot by the time I graduated high school.
4. I never lived in any place longer than four years. I've lived in several towns in Texas, Oklahoma, Alaska, California, Florida and Georgia and Hawaii. I'm a southerner by choice and heart. I spent my teenage years in Georgia.
5. I climbed trees every chance I got, even in dresses. I loved to be in the tallest tree I could find on windy days.
6. I had a black pet rabbit that was housebroken. He did really well in the house until he discovered electric cords. I had to build a cage for him and put him outside so he wouldn't electrocute himself and burn down the house. He didn't last one night. Something, or someone, got him out in the middle of the night.
7. I hated spinach and when forced to eat it…you know, "you're not leaving this table until you eat your spinach!" I'd throw it back up. Not intentionally, of course. Now I love it.
8. As a tyke I pulled up the biggest onions out of my grandmothers garden and ate them. I also ate peanut butter and onion sandwiches growing up. Funny, my stomach can't handle raw onions anymore.
9. I didn't like to eat regular breakfasts. I liked left over pie, or cream of chicken soup for breakfast when I could talk my mom into it.
10. I had a fanciful mind. I was always getting into trouble for day-dreaming and drawing all over my papers and books in school, and at home. My grades weren't very good. One, for moving all the time, and the other being a daydreamer. Back then daydreamers didn't amount to very much in the teacher's eyes. I turned out to be a writer and artist.
11. I was a ballerina until I got too tall. I loved to dance and loved classical music as a child. I was also going to grow up and be an airline stewardess until I got too tall for that too.
12. My imagination always got me into trouble. If I didn't like my circumstance, which I often didn't, I'd invent tales. I loved it when we moved often. I'd usually gotten myself into so much trouble by the end of the school term that I was happy to start over someplace new. Preferably, clear across the country.
13. At sixteen I got my driver's license as a birthday gift from the Sheriff. He was a friend of the family. I never had to take a drivers test until I was in my thirties, and only then because I had let it expire.
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