This week we are visiting with It's So Very Cheri! Many of you know Cheri from her linky party. The picture below may throw you, but that's because Cheri is in the midst of redoing her blog banner ~ on her own!
Favorite music at the moment: Jonas Brothers and Barney. Oh you meant the music I enjoy listening to, not what I hear all the time-Jazz, easy listening, Christian
If you didn't live where you do, where would you live: Florida is beautiful and I do not miss the nasty winter that everyone has been dealing with but I do miss our friends and family. I love Branson, Mo. We have lived in several places and you just adjust and go with the flow. I don't know, there are things you like and dislike about everywhere.
Favorite cocktail: Lemonade or Coffee
Best advice you ever received: At one of my baby showers (our first child)-A lady told me to make sure we kept our relationship ALIVE and that we spent time together because once the kids are all gone, you have to like and love the person you are living with. If you don't work at it you won't know your spouse by time the kids are gone and you will be trying to figure out each other all over again.
Person you most admire: This is a tough one because it depends on which area of my life you are talking about. I admire a lot of people for a lot of different reasons.
Thank you, Cheri, for sharing 5 things we didn't know about you!
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