Thank you my friend, Thomma Lyn of Tennessee Text Wrestling, for honoring me with the Schmooze Award. I don't feel all that Schmoozy, I'm still learning the ropes of the blogging community. I enjoy everyone's blogs that I've come across and that have introduced themselves to me and have become or are becoming my friends. I'm also honored that Thomma Lyn thinks I've made a "delightfully positive splash" in the blogging community. But if it wasn't for my daughter, Paula (Basset Knitter) insisting that I start blogging back in April--gee has it been that long? I would have not had the chance I'm having right now of making friends with other writers and cat lovers. Thank you, Paula, you're next. Because I think you are a pretty good Schmoozer yourself.
Here's what the Power of Schmooze Award is all about:
"As it goes, schmoozing is the natural ability “to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.” Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship."
Besides giving my daughter this award, I'm also giving it to one of my first friends when I came online, Teabird of Tea Reads. She's a Librarian in New York and loves knitting and books. I love her interest in me from the start and the positive, interesting comments she gives me.
Next is another first time blogging friend, Meeyauw. She's a great photographer who lives in Vermont. A beautiful state that is filled with wonderful sights and wildlife which she brings to life on her site. She makes me homesick for the woods where I lived in the Midwest. A lot of inspiration for my stories came from those happy, wildness experiences. Srp from Me'lange is another first time blogging friend who lives in Virgina. Gattina in Belgium that has the Cats on Tuesday site and her Writer Cramps, keeps me in stitches with her stories and her comments. There are many others I'm beginning to know and call friend. All who have given me motivation and inspiration with my writing. And, of course, all of Gretchen's cat friends that got her started with her own blog. Whoopie...this is fun!
Thomma Lyn has been a great, instant friend, we seem to mirror each other's life and experiences in a sometimes eerie and interesting way. I think she could have been a sister. She's become a very dear friend, along with her adorable chatty blogging cats.
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