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Kamis, 05 Juli 2007

Thursday Thirteen #5

Thirteen fears I have about Submission Packages:

First of all, congratulations to all the Thursday Thirteener's 100 Meme event. I'm only on my 5th so I'll have to wait until the next milestone to participate.

1. I've read all the books, posts, and articles that I can find on Queries and Submissions. I've already sent many queries, and cover letters and so forth—following all the required guidelines, but I always get a queasy feeling when getting a new submission package ready for a book publisher or an agent.

2. I'm never quite sure that I'm giving them what they are really asking for, sometimes their guidelines are so vague. I think my main problem stems from lack of experience and fear.

3. Without a writers group nearby I'm also lacking the support and critiquing that I need. And I feel very needy at the moment.

4. I feel that my query letters or covers letters look professional enough. I've worked at making them conform to each submissions guidelines, but I worry my inexperience will show.

5. I was wondering about the type of paper. Is it so important to use bright white paper, or special paper—colored paper? Does that really make a difference? Will not ordinary 20# white computer paper do?

6. I also have a question about the paragraph where I list my education, experiences, and accomplishments, which are few, but now that I have a blogging page, is my http address something that should be included?

7. I am comfortable with sending a brief synopsis, but the chapter-by-chapter outline throws me. I am getting ready to send two packets out with chapter-by-chapters for the first time.

8. I have yet to see a real example of one for fiction writing. I don't know if a chapter-by-chapter outline should be very short, concise sentences/paragraphs, several pages, or many. For instance, one chapter-by-chapter outline is for 67,000 words, 23 chapters, at Times New Roman 12 pt. it comes out to 12 pages. Should it be shorter than that? Smaller type? Single spaced?

9. And what about sample chapters. Are they supposed to be single spaced or remain like the double spaced manuscript?

10. Finding the right agent/publisher is getting more and more frustrating. Once I've picked my target, I go to their website and really research them. I also checkout other websites and get comments on their credibility. Finding small presses has been recommended for new writers, however, I just came out of a bad experience with a small press in Minnesota last year that seemed to fit my genre to a tee, but changed character after they responded to my query, requested and received the entire manuscript. I was greatly disappointed to say the least, and for the second time since I've been shopping out my manuscripts, I've sent solicited manuscripts out and never heard from them again. They just disappeared. Both were agents.

11. One of the novels I'm shopping out is the first in a series, two have been completed, and I'll begin the third one shortly. How do I promote that the book as a series? Wanting, of course, the agent/publisher to read both, but knowing I can only pitch one book at a time. I always mention the works I've finished, and their word count.

12. My family and friends want me to self-publish the Scrungy series. I'm in a quandary over whether or not to do that, I don't know how much time I have left and my children want the books in print. I really don't want to go that way. I'm not a promoter kind of person; it takes all my energies just to write. I like behind the scenes and the limelight scares me.

13. My biggest fear is not rejection, I rather like gathering the rejection letters, I hear it's supposed to be a good thing, and my goal is to collect at least a hundred. My biggest fear is loosing interest in the whole process.

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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