I've decided to show you my planned yellow garden this year. Every year I've leaned towards purples and pinks and just whatever plant I see that I like. But mostly purple because I'm a purple kind of girl. So last winter, as I stared out my bedroom window each night planning my garden and the color scheme, I decided upon having an all yellow garden this year. I made my list, printed out my selections and took the pictures with me to every nursery that I visited in the spring. Some of the things on my list I couldn't get, so I decided white would be a good in-between color, showing up really well at night. I have a deep, shady porch so white impatiens always go on the porch. Where I couldn't get yellow, or white, I chose yellow-green foliage. All turned out pretty well.

2. Zinnias

I also planted, yellow nasturtiums, yellow banana peppers, Cuzo Yellow Sanvitalia specosa, something, I like things with common names but it made a lovely hanging basket. Another new one for me was Hermanns Pride, Lamiastrum glaeobdoion...whatever, pretty green and white foliage and tiny yellow flowers. A yellow leaved sweet potato vine, two kinds of coleus with green and yellow foliage. Angelina Sedum, green and yellow foliage. These are all the yellow things I planted new this year. I have yellow four o'clocks making an appearance, and yellow cala lilies that haven't bloomed yet. Next year I'm going for red...and maybe some purple. But the almost all yellow garden was fun.

Here's an earlier picture of my little corner of the world. However, as we speak, the whole place is a disaster zone. I've had to move all my potted plants onto the porch and there are sheets of plywood covering the things next to the building. The roofers came Monday and they've got the whole place torn up. It doesn't look like they'll be done anytime soon. My garden may recover from this upheaval but some of my neighbors are completely ruined. They're been covered for two days with a blue tarp.
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